Beginning film classes 2024/25

Are you wanting to make a film and don’t know where to start? Have you ever been on a film set? Do you know the ins and outs of festivals? How do you know what camera to use? What’s a C-stand?

If you have any of these questions and more, these classes are for you. My six-week course will get you started on the road to being a filmmaker. This current class series set for 2024/25 will be free of charge to those wishing to get hands on experience.

In the course, we will cover the following subject matter:

  • Job roles and functions on sets

  • Camera, audio, lighting gear, sets

  • Casting

  • Breaking down your scripts and your scenes

  • Working with actors, blocking and rehersals

  • Film festivals and delivering your movie

  • So much more

Classes will be three hours. There will be bathroom breaks. Snacks are encouraged for students to bring if they need (no food is provided). Please come ready to interact with classmates, take notes, be heard and create in a safe space.

Booking your spot in class is easy. Class size is a maximum of 12 students.

BEGINNING FILMMAKER 1 - Start date coming soon.

Ongoing Filmmaker Course

As a filmmaker, there will always be an evolution to your creativity and your brand. My ongoing courses help you to focus on specific aspects of your art and your business to help design your progress. These courses are open, so you can come and go with each subject. Once a month, I will focus on one particular aspect of film. We will take a deep dive into these, examining technical knowledge and pushing your own voice in new creative ways. Directing actors, lighting techniques, motion in film, understanding script from an post production/editing perspective and script to scene dissections are all part of the deeper focus of these ongoing courses. Each sessions is $50 per person and must be paid prior to coming to class that day.

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